Types and uses of attachments to enlarge and thicken the penis

The question of the length of the reproductive organs worries many men, as they are often dissatisfied with their size. Today, various methods and devices are used to lengthen the male penis. However, many people distinguish from all these types of nozzles on the penis, which help to increase the size of the penis on its own.

What are nozzles and what are they used for?

Extension hose - a device used to increase the size of a man's penis during sex. Some confuse them with extenders, however, they are completely different devices.

Enlargers are used to change the physical size of the penis and the nozzle is only needed for better intercourse.

After dealing with the basic description of the device, you should find out what it is typically used for. There are several reasons why they use such devices:

  • insufficient length and thickness of the penis;
  • partner's dissatisfaction in sexual relations;
  • short intercourse;
  • increased sensitivity of the head;
  • rapid ejaculation;
  • Weak orgasm in a sexual partner.

However, they are most commonly used due to the small size of the reproductive organs.


Before using the nozzle on the penis, you need to familiarize yourself with the main types of these devices. Today there is a huge number of nozzles that are suitable for almost everyone.


The open model is often used by guys during intercourse. This device is not used to lengthen but to thicken the penis.

Types of nozzles on the penis to increase

This provides extra stimulation to the partner's vagina during lovemaking. In terms of functionality, this model resembles another device - an erection ring.

To use the open model, the genitals are brought to an erect state. If the penis is not stimulated, the device will not work to enlarge the penis.

close the door

Closing devices are considered classic models of nozzles for guys. Their difference from open devices is that they are used as an extension of masculinity. Outwardly, the device looks like a small pad that is placed on the tip of the penis.

The main advantage of the closed model is the prevention of premature ejaculation during sexual intercourse.


To please your sexual partner, it is recommended to use devices equipped with special vibrating massage.

Vibrating Penis Enlargement Faucet

There are many vibrating models that differ in their cost and functionality. The more expensive ones are equipped with a vibration speed setting and are sold with a remote control.


It is necessary to distinguish varieties with acne on the surface. Modifications of such devices differ in height, length, shape and even the number of pimples. More expensive models are covered with balls of the form of a pattern.


Relief devices for the penis are distinguished by their surface, which is different from other models. The surface can be covered with a three-dimensional pattern, long spikes or small balls. Such a non-standard coating will give the girl an unforgettable experience due to the extra stimulation of the vagina.

man wide cock dick


Usually, they are used to thicken the penis, since they are made of silicone. The distinguishing feature of the silicone stimulation models is the pattern on the surface and the distinctive shape of the device. Thus, achieving additional stimulation of the partner's vaginal wall. The disadvantages of some include reduced tip sensitivity when using this nozzle to enlarge the penis.

Before buying stimulation models, you should familiarize yourself with their types. For example, stores sell models with added clitoral stimulation or vibrating massage.

Notable model

Before buying a penis enlargement machine, you need to familiarize yourself with effective models from well-known manufacturers. Only after getting acquainted with them can you buy a high-quality and suitable faucet for the phallus.

a man with a cock on his penis to increase

app features

Any lengthening and thickening nozzle is done in almost the same way. Therefore, there are basic recommendations to be followed when using any model.

Before using the purchased device, it is thoroughly washed in a solution made of water and antibacterial soap. This is done to disinfect the nozzle. After washing the device, it is stretched both in length and width so that there are no problems with fitting the nozzle. Some guys put a little talcum powder inside before using it for better penetration of the genitals.

The hose is pulled onto the surface of the organ very carefully so as not to accidentally damage anything. Once the head rests completely inside the device, you can roll the rest of it along the length of the penis.

Intimate with a penis enlargement cock

Before sex, the surface of the hose is lubricated with lubricant. This is done so that the partner does not feel pain and discomfort during sex. During intimacy, every movement is done very carefully and slowly.

The faucet needs proper care and therefore, immediately after the end of sexual intercourse, it is thoroughly washed with soap and dried. It is worth noting that the instrument should be washed after each ejaculation.


To lengthen the penis, each guy can use the right hose. However, there are still some caveats that you should keep in mind:

penis enlargement hose
  • Do not use such devices for oral or anal sex.
  • Nozzles are used strictly according to the instructions.
  • People with blood diseases should not wear the nozzle.
  • People with cardiovascular disease should consult their doctor before using the nozzle.
  • Before use, you should make sure that you are not allergic to the nozzle material.


Sometimes having sex with your partner doesn't bring any pleasure because the penis is small. To solve this problem, penis enlargement machines are used.